Thursday, February 24, 2011

Working Out The Behavior Problem

My Son's behavior has been much better this week. I wrote out a daily schedule for him and his sister and they have been trying to follow it. We have been getting regular fresh air and exercise and using lots of praise for the good behavior. He still has his moments but I think he gets it for the most part. I have to wonder if my threat of being unable to keep him at home made an impact (I added some emotional emphasis when I proffered that speech).Happy Birthday Cake 5 1/2" in Diameter

At least I care enough to try to help my child be a better person. I do wonder if hormones have anything to do with this behavior. The mood swings are really frequent and sometimes severe. I asked my mother if I was really moody and she didn't seem to recall if I was or not. I recall that I was rather moody. Mom says that we were really good (I have two younger sisters) and played really well together. Mine fight at the drop of a hat.

My son will be 10-years-old next week. He wants to go see a movie with his friend and then just hang out and play video games.Happy Birthday to You!
Curious George and the Birthday SurpriseI guess I am lucky that he has always wanted his birthday to be low key and not some big huge party. I just can't believe ten years has passed by so quickly.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Coping with Behavior Problems

I have a child who has developed a behavior problem. My almost 10 year old has decided he is going to be surly and try to bully me and my daughter. He also overeats and is overweight for his developmental age. He has gone from the sweetest well behaved child ever to one that will not do anything that is asked and constantly talks back. He is above average size for his age and has no concept of his strength. This child is very introverted and doesn't say much so you would never believe that he was so moody.

I am not a quitter but I am almost at the point that I can't deal with this child anymore. I wanted to keep them at home so that I could be the one who leads by example not a gaggle of age-mates with the odd adult stranger thrown in for good measure. What am I doing wrong?  Maybe I need a firmer hand and a louder voice.

One thing I do know that he really needs is a way to burn excess energy and let out pent up emotions. He is very sedentary and doesn't enjoy any sports or anything that has to do with physical activity. We practically have to shove him out the door to play outside. My daughter and I participate in Karate and my son used to do it too but he quit. I bribed him to come with me last night and he did really well but he says he's not going back. He quit scouts this year too.

If I keep worrying about my son's shortcomings is that all that I will see? He is a bright sweet natured child who loves animals and used to wake up smiling. He pretty much stopped speaking much until this year when I decided to take him out of the traditional education system. He loves music and video games. He learned how to play the violin last year and really enjoyed it. We are participating in archery during co-op time. He is excited about it and I am hoping this is something that he will stick with. Wish us luck in finding something for him to be passionate about.Junior Archery Set, 39 Inch Fiberglass Bow, 3 18 Inch Arrows, 4 Color Targets, Boxed

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This Bird Flew Away Book Review

This Bird Flew Away Book Review ...Click this link to read the review by my friend Ron. You can order the novel through this link too.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


 Nurse Carrington Teddy Bear by Bearington BearWork was especially stressful this weekend. One of those times that make you question why you became a Nurse in the first place. I heard a complaint that management is responsible for boosting moral. I am not going to dwell on this but we are all guilty of not encouraging each other as peers. I rarely hear any kind of praise from my co-workers. Not saying that I am great at encouragement but I will say that I make an effort.LEGO 8683 Minifigures Series 1 - Nurse

I wish I could recreate the scenario that I faced on Sunday and the actions and reactions of the people that I had to work around. Lucky for them HIPAA laws do not allow me to discuss things of this nature on a public forum. My biggest wish is that I could be a part of a team that encourages each other and are proud of what they do. Not one of the regular co-workers that I work with likes their job. This is not private information or else they wouldn't tell everyone in earshot how dissatisfied they are with what they do.

I wrote an article for a Working Nurse Magazine where I interviewed several nurses about their jobs. Not one of them had anything negative to say and they were extrememly proud to be a member of the team that they worked with. One unit actually participates together yearly in a triathalon. Sitting here it makes me feel really sad that I do not belong to a team like that (I have a lump in my throat). I yearn to be a part of a team that's proud of what they do.

Each one of us is responsible for our own happiness. It is really difficult to listen to complaining for over 12 hours a day and it not be contagious. What do you say? I have been known to just say I don't want to hear it, don't ruin my day. That's not tactful or nice, but when someone comes in to work constantly griping you just can't help yourself.Barbie My Favorite Career Vintage Registered Nurse Barbie Doll

Anyhow, I hope I don't treat people the way I was treated yesterday by the nurses I encountered. I'm not complaining I just wish it could be better. I try really hard to understand other's reasons for being negative and unkind to others. Gosh-darn-it, I feel absolutely terrible if I treat someone untoward. Why don't other people feel that? Do they feel it and don't care? Are they just so used to feeling mean and unhappy that they don't know any better?

How does it feel to be that stuck in a negative rut? I dunno, and I don't plan on finding out. I have learned one thing and that is that negative begets negative. How can you feel good when all you do is gripe and complain? It's impossible to feel good when you dwell on everything negative, it just is.Nurse Nancy (Little Golden Book)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Sick

Rarely do I get home sick but lately I have been missing my Mom and the rest of my family (if you have been following my blog you will know that all of my relatives live in Canada). There has also been an abundance of snow where they live. I have been dreaming of taking my kids tobogganing and playing in the snow with them. Normally I hate the cold and the snow. A quick trip home may curb the need for cold weather and the homesickness.  If I pack up and leave now I could make it there by tomorrow afternoon.

Big change in plans. There is a huge snow storm moving in and it would be too big a risk to drive up there and get stranded with two little kids in the snow. We don't have snow boots or any other extreme cold weather clothing either. So I guess it's just not going to happen (sigh). It's a good thing to plan for next year. The weather is so unpredictable and there has been a ton of snow this year.

I still feel homesick though. I think the abundance of visitors in the fall has left me feeling a little lonely. Not that I don't already have lots to fill my time but just missing family. My Dad says he isn't going to make it up here in March too. So it may be a long time before I see any relatives. By the way we are going to get some big storms and the temps are going to drop to freezing tonight.