I'd tell you what happened at work on Sunday but then I'd have to kill you. I can't really think about it without getting emotional. Nurses are just expected to go on about their business as though nothing even happened. It's no wonder most of us are on some sort of mood enhancer. Do you know what the drug dependence rate is for Nurses is? According to the American Journal of Nursing one in ten nurses has a substance abuse problem. A 1998 study by Trinkoff and Storr announces 32% of 4, 438 respondents indicated some substance abuse.
Needless to say the AJN notes that it's our job to monitor our fellow nurses and help nip substance abuse in the bud. They say that the ones who are actually showing signs of a problem are so far entrenched that they need professional help and are usually impaired while caring for patients...Yikes!
There is no system for debriefing or decompressing after a traumatic experience where I am employed. Not saying that it's not a great place to work (it is the best place I have ever worked). I also have some great co-workers but we don't have time to go to the bathroom let alone try to counsel each other. None of us wants to attend a counseling session or anything to do with work for that matter during our time off.
It truly does wear on my heart to have to quash feelings and thoughts about what others would say was a traumatic experience. Instead it's chalked up to just another day on the job. The feelings subside and you do forget about it over time. I'm not complaining this was the profession I chose and still proud of. My best advice for anyone who wants to be a nurse is wear comfortable shoes and go to the bathroom when you can.
Needless to say the AJN notes that it's our job to monitor our fellow nurses and help nip substance abuse in the bud. They say that the ones who are actually showing signs of a problem are so far entrenched that they need professional help and are usually impaired while caring for patients...Yikes!
There is no system for debriefing or decompressing after a traumatic experience where I am employed. Not saying that it's not a great place to work (it is the best place I have ever worked). I also have some great co-workers but we don't have time to go to the bathroom let alone try to counsel each other. None of us wants to attend a counseling session or anything to do with work for that matter during our time off.
It truly does wear on my heart to have to quash feelings and thoughts about what others would say was a traumatic experience. Instead it's chalked up to just another day on the job. The feelings subside and you do forget about it over time. I'm not complaining this was the profession I chose and still proud of. My best advice for anyone who wants to be a nurse is wear comfortable shoes and go to the bathroom when you can.